You might be thinking, "Who is this guy, anyway?" To help answer that question, I have written the following: I am married with two sons, Barry & Jeffrey, who have blessed me with nine wonderful grandchildren. My wife, Millie Shatzer, is a retired high school English teacher. I'm an early retiree from IBM with 30 years of service. The last position I held was the Manager of Personnel & Administration at IBM's Central Distribution Center in Mechanicsburg, PA. Being in my 50's and too young to really retire, I needed something to keep me busy and to give my life real purpose. My hobby is travel photography, and my favorite places to photograph are Nepal and India. Since 1975, Millie and I have had the very good fortune of being able to take numerous trips to Asia. We met many wonderful people and enjoyed some incredible sights. Traveling in this part of the world is always very rewarding. A few of my most memorable experiences are flying around Mt. Everest, photographing the Taj Mahal and visiting with Mother Teresa.
Over the years, I have helped many people plan trips to Asia and have enjoyed doing it very much. It seemed like a good idea to pursue this type of activity for my retirement years. I especially love Nepal and the interesting people who live there. The people are very poor, materially, but spiritually, they are very rich. Also, while trekking in Nepal, I met an outstanding young guide named Tshering Sherpa who today refers to my wife and me as Mom & Dad. He has many years of experience in adventure travel in Nepal, so I decided to concentrate my efforts there. Maybe, by assisting interested people in the planning of an unforgettable Himalayan experience, I can help Tshering and other hard working people of this beautiful "Mountain Kingdom" to have a better life.
The people of Nepal are friendly and the mountain views are the best in the world! If you go trekking and touring, they will take care of everything: wake you, prepare your food, carry your pack, arrange your tours, etc. All that you will need to do is eat, sleep, walk and enjoy!
Himalayan Travel Consultant
Mechanicsburg, PA, USA
Upon returning from Nepal, there is a feeling that seems to be shared by all - "The views are fantastic and Tshering Sherpa is great!"