
Go2Nepal is a not-for-profit website based in the USA. My objective is to help the people of Nepal in several ways:

  1. Increase the interest in Himalayan cultures & tourism
  2. Promote the use of Nepali owned & operated enterprises
  3. Provide FREE travel planning & reservation services
  4. Provide FREE websites to selected Nepali Business

I can also provide FREE reservation and travel planning services for the Himalayan Kingdoms in Tibet, Bhutan and India if you are traveling from Kathmandu.

Disclaimer: As owner and webmaster of Go2Nepal.com, I strive to provide practical, reliable and interesting information about adventure travel in the Nepal Himalayas. I go to great lengths to insure that the information contained in this website is as accurate as possible; however, I accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from the use of information obtained from me or my website.

Jack B. Shatzer

Travel Consultant
of Go2Nepal

Mechanicsburg, PA, USA

Tshering Sherpa

General Manager of
Waypoint Adventures LTD

Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal
TEL: 977-1-2160328


Mechanicsburg, PA = N40º 10.6', W76º 58.4'
Kathmandu, Nepal = N27º 49.0', E85º 21.0'